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!!!Welcome... !!...on this wiki Here is the ''PumaWiki'' presentation web site. Follow this [link|?page=Help] to find the ''PumaWiki'' help page, explaining all the syntax. Don't hesitate to make many essais to became familiar with it. ''PumaWiki'' is inspired of ''[TigerWiki|http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/TigerWiki]''. It keeps its major features. ''PumaWiki'' is: ** simple (no need of database, all informations are saved into flat txt files) ** light (23ko for the main script '---index.php---') ** easy customizable (the presentation is entierely stored into two configuration files respecting CSS norms: '---template.html---' et '---style css---') ** easy configurable (there is only one configuration file to modify: '---_config.php---') ** compatible with several alphabets (pages can be written with UTF-8 encoding) Into ''[PumaWiki|http://www.9bis.net/pumawiki/]'' you will discover new useful features: ** [Themes managment|?page=Themes], to change with only one mouse click, all the presentation of the web site ** [Zones managment|?page=Zones], to divide your site into many sub-domains reached throught the same URL. You can use this feature to create wikifarm or to want to translate your site into several languages (as you can see here). ** [Stats managment|?page=Logs], to keep a log of every visit ** [Upload managment|?page=Upload], to permit visitors to upload files into the pages they modify. ''PumaWiki'' is also easy to [install|?page=Install]. After downloading the source zip file, follow these [instructions|?page=Install] to configure your wiki. If it even does not work, don't hesitate to inform us, filling [this form|?action=mail&subject=Pumawiki informations]. We will answer you as soon as it possible. Have fun ! '''Cyd'''
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2025/03/14 11:04 -- en --