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Parameters ( en )

Last modification : 2013/02/11 23:10

Run MSH.EXE –h to get usage message
MSH script shell, version 1.4
(C) Copyright 2006-2009
Usage: msh [-a] [-b] [-d] [-e size] [-h] [-i] [-k] [-o] [-p] [-q] [-r filename] [-s] [-x] [filename]
           -a : disable internal messages
           -b : evaluate ((...)) with bc
           -d : debug mode on
           -e : define environment size
           -h : this help message
           -i : interactive mode on
           -k : inactive enhanced keyboard mode
           -o : command history on
           -p : print parameters
           -q : manage QUERY_STRING parameter
           -r : run encrypted file
           -s : run server mode
           -x : inactive spawn/exec mode

Here is the explanation of this parameters:
-arun MSH without any welcome message
-bby default arithmetics expressions are evaluated with expr command (as it is done in standard ksh). The syntax is very strict and poor. So you can switch to another syntax: then basic calculator mode.
-dthe debug mode: only used by developers
-eby default environment size is 1024 (standard MSH can only manage 1024 different internal variables). But it is possible to enlarge this value with th e-es parameter
-hthis usage message
-iinteractive mode on: after running MSH in command mode or script mode it is possible with this parameter to go on into an interactive session.
-kin windows environment there is an enhanced input keyboard mode (with history and auto complexion). But it can't work with external software such as PuTTYCyg patch. So it is possible to switch it off
-oall commands passed to MSH can be saved into a history file called .msh_history (into $HOME path). To switch on this feature just add this parameter
-pjust print the command-line parameters list
-qif used as a web script interpreter (like php or others) this parameter decode the QUERY_STRING environment variable
-rthe following file name is an encrypted file
-sstart MSH in server mode
-xthere are to ways to launch external commands: the spawn/exec mode (more appropriate in windows environment) and the system mode (as it is in standard ksh). This parameter is used to switch form one to another, but it is reserved to developpers to emulate UNIX system.